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Frequently Ask Questions

Yes! You are able to cancel your subscription at any time you want to. No refund offered if you cancel your subscription in between.

Yes, of course! You have the flexibility to upgrade or downgrade your account at any time. Simply choose the plan you want inside the billing page and your updated payment will be reflected each month.

You may enjoy the function and features of Lazyworm 14 days for free. No credit card is required for the trial. If you are happy and want to continue the service, you can choose a plan that you want and enter your payment details to subscribe.

Absolutely not. Lazyworm is a pay-as-you-go service. You simply pay month-to-month and can cancel at any time. Sellers that are willing to make a long-term strategic investment can purchase 12 months of service at a discount.

We accept 2 types of payments methods:

  1. Visa & Master Card
  2. PayPal

Your first payment will be made on the day you subscribe to one of the plans. The following monthly payment will be renewed automatically and billed after you entered your payment details. Cancellation is available anytime.

Yes, we can help you to customize package based on your needs. The price will be based on what you need.

Yes, of course! You can contact our Customer Service at 017-9696646 for further details.

For users who sign up monthly, you will agree to a 30 days contract.
For users who sign up annually, you will agree to a 1-year contract at a discounted rate.

However, you can cancel at any time and no refund is offered.

No. For monthly package, you are only required to pay monthly.
But if you subscribe to the annual package, you are required to pay for one years at a discounted rate.

Yes! You are able to cancel your subscription at any time you want to. No refund offered if you cancel your subscription in between.

Yes, of course! You have the flexibility to upgrade or downgrade your account at any time.
Simply choose the plan you want inside the billing page and your updated payment will be reflected each month.

You may enjoy the function and features of Lazyworm 14 days for free. No credit card is required for the trial.
If you are happy and want to continue the service, you can choose a plan that you want and enter your payment details to subscribe.

Absolutely not. Lazyworm is a pay-as-you-go service. You simply pay month-to-month and can cancel at any time.
Sellers that are willing to make a long-term strategic investment can purchase 12 months of service at a discount.

We accept 2 types of payments methods:
1. Visa & Master Card
2. PayPal

Your first payment will be made on the day you subscribe to one of the plans.
The following monthly payment will be renewed automatically and billed after you entered your payment details.
Cancellation is available anytime.

Yes, we can help you to customize package based on your needs. The price will be based on what you need.

Yes, of course! You can contact our Customer Service at 017-9696 646 for further details.

For users who sign up monthly, you will agree to a 30 days contract.
For users who sign up annually, you will agree to a 1-year contract at a discounted rate.
However, you can cancel at any time and no refund is offered.

No. For monthly package, you are only required to pay monthly.
But if you subscribe to the annual package, you are required to pay for one years at a discounted rate.

We will keep the data in your system for 1 month if payment is not received. All data will be deleted after one month when payment is not received.

No. Bulk edit can only be done through Lazyworm system.

The system will update once a day.
There is no specific time as the update is based on queue in the system.

Auto Grab is a feature on Lazyworm that help you to grab links of seller from Shopee and Lazada automatically with keyword such as SKU. Therefore, you do not need to insert link one-by-one.

No. Once the link is rejected, it will not appear again.
However, you can add the link manually.

Tracker Blacklist is where you can add sellers that you do not want to compete with.
Here is How You Manage Tracker Blacklist

Duplicate Link means more than 1 same link exist in the same products or in different products.

Refer to links below to manage duplicate link:
Guide: How to Manage Duplicate Link
Video Tutorial: How to Manage Duplicate Link

Broken Invalid Link mean the link is no longer valid and exists.

The reason valid link appear in broken invalid link report is because when system is updating the price and stock status, Lazada or Shopee system is down. Thus, this will cause the link to be broken or invalid.
However, Lazyworm will update the link again the next day. And if the link is valid, it will disappear from the Broken Invalid Link Report.

Refer to links below to manage broken invalid link:
Guide: How to Manage Broken Invalid Link
Video Tutorial: How to Manage Broken Invalid Link

Name and Checking Link is when seller change the product name.

Refer to links below to manage name and checking link:
Guide: How to Manage Name & Checking Link
Video Tutorial: How to Manage Name & Checking Link